Liberal as in Liberty and Freedom. Iranian as in Cyrus and Ferdowsi.
Sent to Hell vs. Joining the Heaven!
John Kifner of New York Times
reports in a front-page overview
Nehme Y. Tohme, a member of Parliament from the anti-Syrian reform bloc and the country’s minister for the displaced, said he had been told by Hezbollah officials that when the shooting stopped, Iran would provide Hezbollah with an "unlimited budget" for reconstruction. [...] Hezbollah’s leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, offered money for “decent and suitable furniture” and a year’s rent on a house to any Lebanese who lost his home in the month-long war.
At the same time, Iran's supreme leader, Khamenei,
sent this message through Hezbollah's Al-Manar television,
"Your unprecedented holy war and steadfastness are beyond the limits of my description. It's a divine victory. It is a victory of Islam, [...] With God's help you were able to prove that military superiority is not (measured) in the number (of soldiers), planes, warships and tanks. Rather, it depends on the power of faith and holy war, [...] [t]hey (Israeli attacks) have also uncovered the level of falsehood surrounding the hollow slogans ... about human rights and democracy."
By reversing the order of these sentences, one chould see the real chain of logic: "democracy and human rights are ploys. There are no such values. We have our own values. And we fight those who think otherwise. This is holy."
But seeing the reality in such a confusing situation and through the destruction of a war is particularly difficult for an observer in the West. With all the different opinions and manipulation, it is a daunting task to discern the truth of the matter. It is, by contrast, a painfully clear view from the inside of a tyrannical system, where the truth is sitting bare naked on the side, for
those who dare to look at it:
I would like to know if the money that was spent in the past two decades in Palestine and Lebonan and Bosnia, was spent for preparing the people and organizations for the earthquake [of December 25, 2003 in Bam, Iran], how many of the thousands who died under the rubble would survive? By the way, how many did Lebonan's Hezbollah and Palestnian Islamic organizations send to help us? What about Bosnia? or Iraq's Shiites? Or Syria and Libya? On the other hand, Israelis have offered to help, but our masters have taken a major offense and refused. I bet they have bit their hands and said: "Astaghfor-allah! Would we offer to help if it had happened in Israel?!!" [...] One night, I heard this news on the state TV: "This afternoon a Palestinian teenager, in a martyrdom operation [suicide mission] joined the heaven and sent four Israelis to hell." Now, the one who would be sent to hell if he dies, has put aside his grudges and offered to help as a human, but the ones whose death would be equal to joining heaven don't even bother to send a message of condolences.
These days, too, the state-financed media
are counting the Israelis "sent to hell!"
Let me ask then, how would we find moral equality here? How would we relativize this? That should make for a good afternoon exercise of sophistry and advanced contextualization.